Saturday, October 3, 2009

2:174, #478: Former Incarnations

I figure God...the Living and True THE God of order, so if He had worked things out in His providential coincidence the way I see it in a post-Reformation, Van Tillian, Zen sort of way, He'd have repeated characteristics in our various incarnations that the deluded folks who actually believe we get several opportunities at this life would conjure up. I've been thinking of some of my current characteristics and have concluded that:

Based on the number of dirt baths I've given myself in the last 24 years driving the John Deere tractor and zero turn mower, I was one of the sparrows Jesus referred to in Matthew 6:25-34; which also happens to be my self-chosen life verses, so in my Mental Feng Shui that doubles the probabilities that I'm right.

I also heard David Attenborough's special on the American Brown Bear a couple of years after I got saved and when he said that the brown bear's life centers around eating, I knew I had pegged at least one more incarnation...maybe even a repeat in several differing generations!

Since I was born in November, 1951 during the Korean War and I have an unusual appreciation of kimchee and other Korean foods, I figure I was a North or South Korean soldier who had a bullet with his name...probably "Kim"...on it and low and behold, here I am!!

My years of grunt work, both in construction and here at Camp Cornelius convinces me that around 960B.C. I was one of the stone cutters for Solomon's Temple and have carried over that talent in the pointing work I've been doing on the Grey Havens all summer. Oh, yeah, I probably helped build the Second Temple in several incarnations from 516-70B.C. and then was one of the Roman soldiers in 70A.D. who tore it back down, given the number of things I've had to build and tear down here at Camp Cornelius.

My wood cutting, tree pruning, chain saw using skills were probably first developed when I was a Gibeonite drafted into the wood cutting/water toting work for Israel sometime shortly after "Joshua fit de battle ub Jericho!" (Cf. Joshua 9:3-17)

My penchant for playing loud music probably came from multiple Goyim incarnations of Mongols, Visigoths, Babylonians, Medo-Persians, and a host of others, including Saxons, Scots, Teutons, and Russians in the last 500 years or so.

The Sexton part of my make up is obviously family related and probably stemmed from "the Black Death came to London after it started at Westminster and there were not enough sextons to cart off the bodies" as one source I saw on the internet but whose reference I've since lost.

Finally, my sense of humor...twisted as this post obviously makes it appear... that has made me a jester in the Court of the King of Kings probably stems from being multiple "fools" for multiple kings down through the millenia. My favorite color is flannel plaid...probably inspired by "fool's motley" in the middle ages and the Scottish tartan that runs in my history.

Oh, and since "Amazing Grace" is my favorite hymn and has the same basic seven notes of a slave tune John Newton heard whilst acting as a slave trader in his early life, I probably was one of the motley crew that was "two years before the mast;" which could also explain why as a kid I read the entire Horatio Hornblower Series!
Got Divine Intervention?

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