Saturday, February 20, 2010

3:21, #515: Saturday Stuff

Did you ever take a look at how you do things? You something pops into your mind as a result of some kind of associative principle with what's going on around you? Some of the Body would say you got a 'word of knowledge' while others would say you got the 'internal conviction of the Holy Spirit' and others 'God spoke to me.' Well, in any event here are some thoughts...

Today I spotted on Any Day In History that Rossini's "Barber of Seville" premiered in Rome, so that reminded me to cut my hair...a specific request earlier in the morning that was coincidentally attended to in the providence of the Lord in this fashion.

I also remember years ago that I was walking from the classroom building to the student center and suddenly got the notion to take a toilet plunger up on the roof of the Library. It turns out there was about 5" of water over a large portion of the back quadrant due to leaves stuck in the flat roof drain. A little 'plumber's persuasion' and I had a roaring maelstrom gushing out of the exit pipe down by the big old pine trees.

Speaking of which...there are going to be a LOT of limbs that need to be picked up this Spring when the snow finally subsides into the earth in that very same area. My current arboreal suggestion if you plan to plant trees in the future is that you not plant long needle white pines. They may look pretty, but they make one awful mess when heavy snows break off multiple limbs...and it's not too healthy for the trees, either.

For some reason the Canadian Olympics was on my mind the other morning and I wondered, "If they sing "Old MacDonald," would the chorus be "Eh-I-Eh-I-Eh?"

I think it's time for some Civil War Generals...

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