Thursday, August 19, 2010

3:68, #562: Twenty Five Years...Sheesh!!

This morning I noted on Facebook that I wondered where in the name of my Great Aunt Lizzie's hair bun the last 25 years to the day (thank you, Frodo) passed as I worked at Camp Cornelius. I've been working here for longer than about 1/3 of the human race has been alive, according to one set of stats that I've seen. Well, with Sexton as my last name, I guess the Lord decided to make it easy for me to understand my life calling, given what I do to tend the place. Oh, and by the way, I did have a Great Aunt Lizzie and she did wear her hair in a bun!

Soooo...what's next? I used to ask my carpenter foreman when I finished one task on the job. I guess the simplest answer would be...the next 25!! Let's see, that would put me at 84 and still riding around on the John Deere, I would suppose, assuming I'd be able to get up on the mower by that time. Getting off might be the problem, given how stiff I can get even now. Well, that's a bridge off of which I don't have to jump for another quarter century, so, if I'm not going to worry about tomorrow as Matthew 6:34 tells me, I'm certainly not going to worry about then.
Got 25 cent cee-gah to celebrate?

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