Monday, August 17, 2009

2:160, #464: Things Bull

This was another one of those wake-up-with-my-brain-in-high-gear-at-5am mornings. Today I was wondering:

If a retired Spanish matador opened a Paris Bistro, would he call it Cafe Ole? Would he use red tablecloths? Would he serve Red Bull drinks? Would Al Gore be the Maitre D'? Would they serve Borden cheese products? Would they use old swords for shish-ka-bobs...ooops, just informed me that it's shishkebabs. Well, if I ever open a restaurant, they'll be shish-ka-Bobs!! ;p

Would politicians hold conversations there that could be described as bull chip cookies and milk? Oh, and WHY is it that we use the coarse phrase bulls'it to indicate lying, things which are lies, and the like? FYI, indicates that it's origin is circa 1910-15...must have been started by some of those bad boys that got the planet involved in World War I, I guess.

Why is the middle of the target called a bull's eye? I can understand the phrase, "like a bull in a china shop," so I don't go in them these days.

I guess "Bullish" is used in regard to the Stock Market because the optimistic traders are ready to charge ahead with their investments, but "Bearish"? Maybe it indicates caution because the Market will rip you head off like an angry mother bear robbed of her cubs as Proverbs says?

Well, God in His infinite wisdom and planning had Mom and Dad name me Robert Murray, but everybody just calls me Bob. And we ALL know the title of this blogsite, now don't we?
Got B.S.?

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