Sunday, November 1, 2009

2:181, #485 Pro and Con Testant

Here it is Reformation Sunday and I'm at my computer in a unique combination of orbital patterns not only in the planetary systems but in the circumstances of my day. If the Pro-testants came about as a result of protesting the bad things of the Catholic Church in 1517, were they Con-testants of Catholic theology or non-contestants in the fellowship of the papists?!!

If 'Pro-gress' means moving forward, what does 'Con-gress' mean? And just exactly what would 'gress' be, since 'in' and 'e' both fit at the front of the root letters?, by the way, does not give 'gress' a definition.

If you have a 'Protest,' can you have an 'amateur test?' If a protest in the streets turns into an armed or unarmed can you conflict without arms, kick each other?...does it them transmorgrify into a contest? If you can have a conflict why can't you have a proflict? Or would that be a movie made by folks who know what they're doing?

If you can promote something, would taking the beam out of your own eye whilst looking at the mote in the other guy's become a con-mote? Or would that be something wrong with a guy in jail or who gets people to do stuff by fooling them?

If Herman Melville wrote a book called The Con Man, should somebody write The Pro Man?

Just remember...or learn for the first time...that quote from "Master and Commander"... "he who would pun would pick a pocket."
Got Change?

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