Saturday, November 14, 2009

2:184, #488: Soft Hearts and Patience

I just got done praying through a prayer calendar from one of the missions organizations I get them from and it aroused two of my pet peeves with Christians.
1. DON'T pray 'for patience!!!!" If you're a Christian, by definition you have the Holy Spirit within you and as part of the fruit of the Spirit of Galatians, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness & already have patience, so you're actually asking for the trials that James 1:2-3 says are designed for you to use and improve your 'patient endurance' [hupomone in the Greek] that you've already got!! I think it's appropriate that the original Greek is pronounced 'who-po-moan-eh' considering the moaning that goes on among Christian pray-ers.
2. DON'T pray for 'God to soften hearts!!" NOWHERE does He talk of such a phenomenon, so you're doing like the king that Elisha chastised for only striking arrows on the ground 3 times when he was praying to strike the Syrians rather than continuing on so the request would be more should pray for God to break hearts of stone and replace them with hearts of flesh based on His promise in Ezekiel 36: 26, 27 which also declares He WILL put His Spirit within those on whom He metaphysically operates!

Whew...I'm glad that rant is over!
Got prayer requests?

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