Saturday, September 4, 2010

3:70, #564: Valley of Smokes

I was just looking over Any Day in History and came across the item that on this day in 1781, Los Angeles was founded in Bahia de las Fumas...the Valley of 44 settlers. It makes perfect sense to me that smog should be the eventual result...or a place where cigarettes are popular...or dope...given the location's name. Then the question becomes, just how did the valley get the name in the first place? Did the natives peddle tobacco there to the Mexican and Spanish folks who showed up to steal their land?

Of course, this whole Valley of Smokes stuff reminds me of the Valley of Hinnom mentioned in Scripture where Canaanites and depraved Israelites sacrificed children in the fires as well as kept a giant rubbish pile burning which was a picture of Hell...for a pretty good read, see the Wiki article at []. Maybe child sacrifice was typical of the native Americans in the region, something they might have shared with the Aztecs and Mayans?

Gee, '...and the smoke of their torment goes up for ever and ever' as Revelation 14:11 says sounds like The City of Angeles might be in the Valley of Smokes for a while.
Got a light?

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