Friday, April 2, 2010

3:34, #528: Worm Stuff

A friend on Facebook mentioned that she 'broke out the toe ring' for the first time to celebrate Spring and it triggered some thoughts in the smoking gun of my brain. If silk worms provide materials for stockings, do ring worms provide materials for toe rings?

If, in human lingo, a woman can call a man a 'worm' in a pejorative way, do women worms call their counterparts 'human?'

The little guy in the illustration is a 'book worm' and I just now learned that part of the definition is 'book louse'...'any of various small, wingless insects that feed on stored flour products, paper or book bindings.' I, too, have been described as a 'book worm' and no doubt as a louse by some of my contemporaries and, now that I think of it, have consumed more than my share of 'stored flour products' which we call cookies, bread, pizza, and that ever popular etcetera!!

My last question is, when 'the worm turns' just exactly where is he going?

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