Monday, April 26, 2010

3:41, #535: Slip of the Tongue Thoughts

Well, just a bit ago we were talking about how the rhododendrons I planted last week are blooming today thanks to the Lord's generosity with a 2-day light rain. I started to say "...and I didn't even put Miracle Gro on them" and somehow said "Spiritual Gro." ;P When the laughter subsided, I asked the seemingly obvious question, "Could you turn Reformed Presbyterians into Charismatics by sprinkling them with Miracle Gro?!!" Years ago I suggested to the then-President of Camp Cornelius that the Body of Christ needed some Reformed Charismatics, so maybe I should give it a whirl!

Wouldn't it be great if we really could produce a product that would make Christians mature and name it "Spiritual Gro." We could sell it in the 'Jesus Junk' section of Christian Bookstores, have a great marketing campaign, hold retreats to describe its proper applications...maybe even have webinars, since they're so popular as educational devices these days! I mean, there's Biblical evidence that it would be appropriate for God as the Vinedresser and Jesus as the Vine to give a good dose of 'Spiritual Gro' to us, the Branches after 'nipping our sins in the bud,' so to speak.

By the way, the pic is from public domain Wikipedia, not my own camera 'cuz I'm just too lazy to drag myself over to the Library to take a shot myself at the moment...maybe later.
Got Diet of Worms Spiritual Gro?

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