Monday, April 26, 2010

3:40, #534: Thinking About Worms

This morning one of the devotional books I read in my 'inner room' mentioned Job 19:26, "And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God..." since it was in the King James version and it got me thinking...was Job the first Crime Scene Investigator like Gil Grissom who understood the efficacy of knowing about worms?

Think about what worms have provided us for a minute:
For Shakespeare, they provided material for Hamlet's soliloquy after he killed Polonius in which Hammy went on about our mortality...much like Job...and how we 'pass through the guts of a worm.'

For us gardeners, they provided nutrients for the soil...hey, Dirt Works on the Internet [ will sell you a 5-gallon bucket of the stuff for $30 or give you a two-fer for only $56!!

For us Protestants, Worms was the place old Marty Luther 'took his stand' and won, unlike George Armstrong Custer at the Little Big Horn where he then became worm food! Of course, the joke only holds in English, since the Deutsch-folken pronounce it 'Vorms!" But NOW, thanks to Captain Google, I've got even more information on the city!! For details and links, go to [,_Germany], but for the short form... the CELTS apparently founded the place and called it Borbetomagus..."settlement in a watery area" which then got Latinized from vormatia. I think some Barbarian was asked 'Vhere are ve? and replied 'VORMS, VORMS, I HATE ALL ZEEZE VORMS!!!' (which, of course, would have been all over the place that was so watery, as they do after a heavy rain.)

Oh, and for all you river bank fishermen, obviously they squiggly little guys provide bait for your sporting enthusiasm...just don't use that bait anywhere near the Bates Motel or you could be passing through the guts of the little guys you want to pass through the guts of some fish you want to pass through your guts!
Alas, poor Yorrick, it's time to work, Hortatio!!

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