Saturday, February 5, 2011

4:12, #603: It's About Time

Well, I've not posted anything here since January 22nd, so I thought this rainy Saturday afternoon would be a good time to dump more useless information onto the rest of the world and good old Google gave me a starting point:

What would happen if you lost access to your Google Account tomorrow?

Well, I'd...
...revert back to my troglodyte, pre-Google self.
...go to the Library and look things up in the encyclopedia
...maybe imprecate about the way things work, but then would realize that it was 'working together for my good' so I should just shut up and see what God has for me next my computer games on my computer instead of messing around with Glory of Rome on Facebook, assuming losing my Google Account would mess up Facebook too, given that everything's connected to everything and everybody on the Internet.
...continue to drink distilled water
...continue to read a chapter of the Bible with breakfast in the morning
...continue to belch, fart, pick, scratch, spit and smoke cigars...sometimes all at the same time
...drink a nice glass of wine or have a beer occasionally with supper more books movies
Maybe open a new Google Account?

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