Thursday, March 17, 2011

4:15, #606: Civil War Irish

Well, a Facebook ad tells me to earn my masters online so I can share my passion for the Civil War as a teacher. I've apparently got 504 folks out there who are somehow connected to me, so class, here goes...

First...let's celebrate the birthday in 1828 of that good Irishman Patrick Roynane Cleburne, known as 'The Stonewall Jackson of the West' because he was such an excellent general. Coincidentally, "a writer, speaking of the influence of religion in the Army of Tennessee, says: 'General Cleburne, the hero of many battle fields, had a place prepared for preaching in the center of his Division, where himself and many of his officers were present...were pious and devoted Christian officers, and gave much assistance to the chaplains and missionaries in the revival that swept so gloriously through the armies of the West. They recommended religion to their soldiers by precept and example.'" (1)

Second...let's celebrate St. Patrick, a guy who was a Roman, enslaved by the Irish, escaped, educated to the gospel, and returned to reach the very people who had enslaved him. The Wiki article is actually pretty good, but you could do some further digging if you want.

Third...the Irish in the Civil War. As is pointed out in that BRILLIANT exposition, God Caused the Civil War, as well as mentioned briefly in the excellent movie, 'Gods and Generals,' the Potato Famine that hit Europe as well as Ireland was responsible for sending thousands of Irish to America's shores so that their young men could enlist on BOTH sides to defend the Cause they felt worthy of defense. I just Googled "The Irish in the Am. Civil War" and got 690,000 possibles...feel free to pick one and send me a report for extra credit! ;)

Well, I hear 1/2 a ton of stone calling me that wants to be put down on The Path (to my office, not 'of righteousness'), so feel free to comment on this...attendance will not be taken, but comments are always welcome?
Got green MacDonald's milkshake?

(1) William Bennett, The Great Revival in the Southern Armies. Sprinkle Publications, Harrisonburg, Va., 1989, p. 69.

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