Sunday, June 13, 2010

3:52, #546: Ants

I was sitting on the back porch of the Havens this morning observing one of the industrious ants that Proverbs 6 tells me to observe. First of all, while you're sitting around watching ants, are you the Sluggard addressed to get busy in the chapter, or does your observation technique then become the first step in your recovery from sluggard-like behavior?

Continuing that thought, do you have to take the second step in Sluggard Recovery by becoming industrious, or will the original Sluggard go and recruit seven more Sluggards to sit around and watch the ants with you as the demons did in one of Jesus' illustrations about 'sweeping the house clean' when it didn't work properly?

Oh, and do the ants sit around and crack wise about the stupid grasshoppers during the time in the winter when the ants are 'holed up' gnoshing on whatever it is they gnosh that they gathered during the Industrious Season?

If ants decide to go on a sit down strike, does that become an Industrious Revolution?

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