Sunday, May 8, 2011

4:17, #608: Vikings of Thule

It's been a while since I said anything on this medium...How come it's called a 'medium' instead of, say a 'well, done?' Or perhaps, through the medium, someone would actually say 'well done.' In any event, you can see from my current avatar for Vikings of Thule (a Facebook game) my work out program has been successful! ;0P

If you look into the game, 'unleashing the Viking within' and becoming one of the 39 Ruling Althingi who get to rule Thule is the goal. I wonder why getting really gaudy clothing that's supposed to make you a better Viking with powers beyond your wildest imagination is the goal? It's almost like playing Barbie and Ken with a touch of Thor thrown in. Well, it's given me the chance to meet some interesting people in the Shout part (that's what Vikings do instead of 'Chat.') Hmmm...for the Brits involved would that be like 'chatting someone up?'

I like the chance to pit wits and muscles against others...when the chance arrives to battle someone of fairly equal power. So, like why am I even posting this? Why not? I'm self indulging simply because I haven't posted anything since April AND my I.T. Elfson taught me how to use 'control/alt/print screen' the other day for business purposes so I thought I'd give it a whirl for my 'buff' picture.

Oh, if any of Y'all would be inspired to try the game, be sure to connect with me as a 'Friend' so I can steal your windfalls and you can get mine before I gather them each day!! Nothing like having a game that rewards you for swiping'd think it was a lead it to being a politician; although, according to Wiki an Althingi is 'the national parliament of Iceland' so there is definitely a connection! ;0P

Well, that being said, got battle axe?

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