Friday, July 22, 2011

4:18, #609: A Hunnert an' Two's a hunnert an two outside and I'm in my basement office at a delightful sementy-four!! Today's the hunnert and fi'tieth annivers'ry of the Battle of Bull Run, alternately called First Manassas because the North and the South couldn't even agree on names for battles on occasion.

In any event, I just thought I'm lonnnnnnnnnnnggggg overdue for a post, I mentioned my blog to a guy last night, and I just am writin' to let you know I'm still the line of one old bag in 'Company.'

For you gardeners: DO NOT plant sunflowers...even by mistake when one 'bean' seed turns out to be a sunflower starter...they attract yellow jackets...those nasty little stingers that don't give up until you kill them outright; which I must add, is somewhat of a solace for your's truly prior to taking an extra antihistamine and cutting some aloe plant to put on the sting.

Speaking of's also good for poison ivy itching, ANY kind of burn from those gotten while cooking to those gotten while 'cooking' on the beach, etc. It also makes an effective stomach healant when boiled as a tea...I suggest you add some peppermint for flavor as well as its own tummy healing properties.

Well, I've actually got to get back to some work related computer stuff, so ta-ta 'til later...
Got sun screen?
Oh...can flies get through sun screens?

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