Thursday, October 15, 2009

2:178, #482: Russian Heritage

There's this photo of a guy on The Joshua Project website that is an eerie comparison to the goomer at the left of this paragraph that further confirms not only that I have Russian roots in my gene that like a tree growing in a swamp?!!...but of what I might look like in a few years if I decide to shave the middle of my current chin hair growth. I don't know what the copyright laws are and I'm a bit paranoid and conspiracy theoretical, so if you want to see someone who looks a good be like I do, go to [] and scroll down to the Russian guy.

The other spooky sorta-look-alike was pointed out to me by the guys at our Bookstore here at Camp Cornelius. This one's a guy called The Edge on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine with Bono of U2 on it. AND, believe it or not, when I was clean shaven, a woman actually came up to me in a restaurant and told me I looked like Kevin Costner. I will refrain from any bigoted remarks about Caucasians but will say that I can act at least as well as Ole Kevoski...except in his first two movies, "Fandango" and "Silverado" that I HIGHLY recommend.

So why am I writing this in the first place? Well, a new friend who happens to be an atheist agrees with the Bob/The Edge photo similarities and I was going to write her back about the Russian guy, among other things, so I was "doing what I do" as Malcolm Reynolds would say... no I don't even vaguely resemble Nathan Fillion.
Got Serenity and doubles?

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