Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3:79, #573: Phobias

I came across yet another intellectually stimulating website today as I'm down once again with some sinus problems compounded by aching bones from a condition that 'back in the day' was called The Grippe...rightly or wrongly. In any event given my twisted view of things, here are some pertinent impertinent comments and a couple of public domain pictures:

Agoraphobia is the fear of open spaces, of being in crowded public places, or leaving a safe place. With a slight change, A-Gore-aphobia could be the fear that Al Gore is going to invent something else or possibly make another movie or you could be in an open space that becomes a crowded public place with him after leaving a safe place!! ;p

If arachnophobia is the fear of spiders, would webheadaphobia be the fear of Spider Man?

As I asked on Facebook earlier today, ataxiophobia...the fear of muscular incoordination...has always been called a teenager's first date, hasn't it?!!

Ablutophobia...the fear of washing or bathing...obviously stems from 'ablutions,' but A-Bluto-phobia would be the fear of some big fat hairy guy Popeye always beat up on, would it not?

Agateophobia...the fear of insanity...has a counterpart in lyssophobia...the fear of going insane; which if you dwell on too much will send you there or make you a writer along the lines of Edgar Allan Poe and his 'Tell Tale Heart.' Of course, once you went insane, you'd be in such a condition that the good news would be that you no longer feared getting OR being there...silver lining to a darkening cloud, I say!!

Just think, I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of available fears!
Got fear of what might come next?

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