Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3:84, #578: Things Thirteen

Today's A.D.D. post is brought to you by the assignment given Anonymous Man's little girl: report on Millard Fillmore. Turns out, now that I've Googled a bunch of stuff on a rainy day vacation spurt, that Old Millard was Thirteenth President of the U.S. (as the 1938 commemorative stamp indicates). I actually remember this whole series of stamps from my childhood (first one, that is) because I had a collection at the time. But, did you know:

The 13th President only got the job because Zach Taylor died of gastroenteritis in the middle of his term? Did you care? Hmmmm....
Interesting to me is the fact that Numero 13 Prez supported the Compromise of 1850 that was supposed to calm the country down regarding slavery but which really helped stoke the fires of secession over the next 10 years. So, President #13 could be said to have laid the groundwork for the American Civil War that eventually led to the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery and indentured servitude!! I wonder if being #13 was considered to be unlucky at the time?

Also, with a first name of Millard and a body shape tending toward the portly, I wonder if he had to endure the nasty nickname among close associates and/or enemies of 'Lard?' When his Whig Party folded after his partial term as President, Milly ran on the American Native Party tab... also know to us history buffs as the No-Nothings. Bet he'd be a viable candidate these days! Maybe with the way politics is going, we could get another No Nothing Party and have Schultz from 'Hogan's Heroes' be the mascot with a video clip where he gives his classic line, "I NO NOTHING!"

Just out of curiosity, I Googled '13-cent stamps.' At this counting, there were 19 printed at various times; which makes me wonder, of course, if people afraid of the number 13 managed to put different stamps on their envelopes or if they simply did not mail anything back in those days when that was the cost of a letter?

Speaking of fear of 13...howcome folks only fear Friday the 13th? Yeah, I know...Good Friday, 13 Apostles, Crucifixion, etcetera...But why not simply extend that to Any Day the 13th? Seems to me if you're going to be phobic, BE PHOBIC!!

Oh, and is it significant that puberty with all its down sides comes to us roughly at age 13? Would it be extra unlucky to have 13 candles on your birthday cake at that age?

Should cigarettes come in packs of 13 these days, given all the Surgeon General's warnings and regulations of them?

Well, before I try to stretch this to 13 paragraphs...
Got 12 friends to evite to dinner?

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