Monday, December 13, 2010

4:1, #592: Thoughts On Being Four

Yessirree, Bob...four years ago to the day (thank you Frodo) I began this emptying of my twisted thinking onto the Internet.
Thirty years ago to the day, I started my prayer journals which now have 198,062 answers in them.
One hunnerd and forty-eight years ago to the day, great grandpappy Jacob Antes was 'supporting artillery' south of Fredericksburg as Stonewall Jackson shelled the Sixth Corps of which the 119th Pennsylvania volunteers were a part...which explains my somewhat whacked view of things if I got Post Traumatic Stress from 'being in my great grandfather's loins' on that fateful day in American History!! ;P

One of my Facebrook friends once wondered why I ask so many questions on my posts, much as a five year old would. Well, on thinking about it, I always was a precocious child, so I figure I must have started asking questions at least by four, back in 1955, that is. Sheesh, how much water has flowed under the bridge...or pontoons at Fredericksburg... since then?

OH, LOOK...I spelled it 'Facebrook'...must have been a psychological slip of the fingers as a result of crossing the Potomac that wintry day with Pappy Jake that caused the was icy cold that day, you know! BRRRRRRR!! FYI, I've also called the medium Farcebook, so the unstrategic misplacement of the letter 'r' (coincidentally the first letter in my birth certificate name) provides us with a smidge (thank you, Shannon) of humor. It also sums up my more Scrooge-like view of Facebook; which also is a smidge of why I named this blog as I did, figuring EVERYBODY'S blog was self indulgent's just that mine's official!!

Let's see, 4 into 59 equals 14.75...I wonder if that would mean I'm only four in giant tortoise years? Well, why shouldn't we have a standard like that, given that we're often comparing ages to 'dog years?!!' At the other end of the spectrum, a mayfly lasts 30 minutes to one day, depending on the species. So, 1 day = 70 years, 59 x 365=21,535 + 14 leap years + 28 Very Merry Unbirthdays since 11/15; means I'm 21,577 years old in 'mayfly years.' Methuselah eat your heart out!!

Well, I hear some joint compound calling me...NO, not 'joint' as in Marijuana Doobie Brothers, but as in 'smear this goop on the joints of drywall to make a smooth surface to paint!!' Guess I'd better get off vacation time and get back on the clock...would that be in dog years, mayfly years, or giant tortoise years?
Got calculator?

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