Thursday, February 9, 2012

5:23, #640 Spiraling Life

I was just sitting at one of the two computers from which I 'work' these days, typing into my computer comments from my spiral notebooks. My brain...which got me up at 4am this morning...grabbed 'spirals' and ran to 'spiraling' and now I'm annoying you with this further dumping of my brains on the Internet.
These days my life is spiraling due to the fact that I suddenly became unemployed after 26 years in what I thought was the perfect job for me as Sexton Bob Sexton at Camp Cornelius. Usually the term 'spiraling' connotes 'out of control' or 'downward' with pictures of a plane spinning in ways that planes are not supposed to spin.
I don't feel quite that discouraged.  'Spiraling upwards' might be the way I perceive things these days...much as I see being 60 as being either 3/4 dead (given the Biblical mandate that we are given 70-80 years of life on average as well as the American Male Life Expectancy these days of 75.5 years) or 3/4 on my Long and Winding Narrow Road to Heaven!!
Another way I've described Life is that you know it will be tough when you spend the first 9 months in a protected environment, are forcibly ejected by someone who claims she loves you, are slapped by a complete stranger, and end up killing time while time is killing you as you await the Grim Reaper to come get you...for some of us, in a chariot of fire!
Well, unlike Elisha holding onto the prophet Elijah's mantle in the above picture, I'm not planning on working any miracles, just continuing a walk that began 31 1/2 years ago when the Lord intruded on my consciousness and drafted me into His army.
Got marching orders for today?  "Don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own!" (Mt. 6:33, 34)

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