Saturday, February 13, 2010

3:19, #513: Ex Post Snow

Here it is Saturday morning and I DON'T have to plow snow...but I will be looking to push some on the lawns to get ready for the next batch coming in Monday. In any event, this is another one of the random topic posts initiated by stuff my Facebook Friends are discussing.

First, 'organic' vs. 'inorganic fruit.' Technically, ALL fruit is organic, but we all know the two terms mean 'organically grown' vs. 'pesticide-laced-it's-gonna-kill-you-and-distort-your-gene-pool grown.' Actually, statistically speaking, more generations have gone to the grave eating organic fruit than those since pesticides were invented around the time of World War II. For you argumentative types...yes, I know that the ancient Sumerians dusted sulfur on their crops, but sulfur is God-made, not MAN-made, so it doesn't count that they're all dead by now, too.
What prompted this tirade was a loving Mom posing the question. Well, I suggested she buy the cheaper 'inorganic' to save money, invest in a fruit tree, and exercise her sugar-laced kids by involving them in the planting, manuring, pruning, and picking process for the long term. Oh, and as a benefit to their longevity-producing activity, they can take care of her in her old age! ;P

Now, speaking of Ex Post Snow...15" here at Camp Cornelius fell on Feb. 7th and another 20" this last go 'round! Rumor has it we're supposed to get more on Monday and Tuesday but it ranges from 'insignificant' to 'snow.' If it takes a .300 batting average...that's hitting the ball 30% of the make the Baseball Hall of Fame, what 'correct predicting average' would be required for the Weather Man's Hall of Fame...somewhere around a pitcher's average of .140 or 14%?!! I guess Weather Guys and Gals throw us all some real 'curve balls', so there is a precedent here.

I saw a really weird movie last night starring Gerard Butler..."Slayers." Technology gets to the point where video gamers' characters are real people with brain implants they volunteer to get so whatever happens to the character in the 'game' actually happens to them. Not to worry, though, the good guy beats the bad guy, but I won't comment more so I don't spoil it for you who might want to see it. Speaking of that, I'm gonna go to Gettysburg and mop up the Yanks in my Civil War Generals game...not to worry...they're ALL dead by now, Dave. (Thank you, "Red Dwarf" reference!!)
Got life to waste?

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