Thursday, February 25, 2010

3:24, #518: Snowicane

Here I am in my comfortably heated basement office while the Snowicane of 2010 bears down on my poor old Camp Cornelius. The REALLY weird thing is that after 8 hours of the snow coming down, it's STILL not sticking to most of the blacktop here. We've got 2-3" on the cars that haven't moved yet but nothing to plow except for a little on the coldest spot on campus. "Aint no rhyme or reason, aint no complicated season...the indisputable fact is SHHHHH... IT HAPPENS!! ;p Oh, this is a pic from a former storm that actually accumulated...

Well, I've been playing Civil War Generals once again in my time off, totally CRUSHING the enemy who happens to be dressed in Blue this time around. Next time around I'll take generalship of the other side and kick the Rebels up and down the USofA of days gone by!! Then, the ULTIMATE in unreality will be me against me as General Robert E. Me of both sides!!

Well, my $3 copy of The Iliad that I've never read in all these years is waiting for me to pick it up again. So far, Achilles is ticked at Agamemnon just like in the movie "Troy" with Brad Pit and a whole bunch of others.
Got hobbies?!!

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