Thursday, November 13, 2008

#279: Mr. Lists

Mr. Lists was the name one of my former employees gave me many years ago based on his observation of my concrete/sequential lifestyle. FYI...he left my employ of his own volition due to the fact that he did NOT have maintenance man karma!! (Law enforcement seemed to be his heart's desire at the time...guess he had a yen for doughnut feng shui?!!) ;p

Well, I've just been checking back over the last 18 years at how much snow plowing I've done here in the Philly area in my continuing quest to know more and to blow a hole in the Global Warming Balloon the Loons propagate. (This information quest has been a slight tangent to posting items in my Projects File as Physicalplantman, by the way.) Here's the list as I have it:

1990-2, 1991-4, 1992-2, 1993-5, 1994-12, 1995-6, 1996-6 1997-5, 1998-1, 1999-5,
2000-5, 2001-4, 2002-0, 2003-10, 2004-8, 2005-13, 2006-9, 2007-9, 2008 so far-4 (two months to go).

Do you notice that the second decade generally equaled or exceeded the previous one in need to plow snow?!! This year has four times as many with more to come, I suppose, before the end of December, based on woolly bear caterpillar coloration I've observed and the fact that different parts of the USofA are getting hit with snow already this season.
Got snow shovel?

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