Saturday, November 29, 2008

#292: Twelve Days of Christmas

We at the Grey Havens have yet another Christmas Tradition in the making, even if it's only two years old. Starting with Thanksgiving, we watch all the movies we have with anything whatsoever to do with Christmas. That means the fare goes from Die Hard 1 & 2 to Scrooged to Miracle on 34th Street to Leathal Weapon to Ben Hur and Jesus of know, the Reason for the Season! ;p
This year we started with Jeff Dunham's Christmas Special and have seen Die Hard and Creature Comforts Christmas. For you uninitiated, Creature Comforts is a British clay-mation series that puts animals' actions to voice over interviews "with the great British public." The Christmas one involves a humorous look at "The Twelve Days of Christmas" song which it would appear people like to sing but to which they never know all the words or the order.

I wanted to make sure I had the order and the words right, so I Googled "Twelve Days of Christmas" and came across this website that thoroughly educated me...[http://www.cresourcei. org/cy12days.html]
Today, rather than take the humorous low road I had intended to trek in this post, I'll take the high road (my version of the broad and narrow roads Jesus mentions) and simply post a summary of what the song supposedly represents and let you look up the site for the details.

The Twelve Days of Christmas from Christmas (12/25) to Epiphany (1/6):

1 Partridge in a Pear Tree = Christ
2 Turtle Doves = Old and New Testaments
3 French Hens = Faith, Hope, Love of 1 Corinthians 13
4 Calling Birds = Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
5 Gold Rings = Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
6 Geese Laying = Six Days of Creation
7 Swans Swimming = Seven Holy Spirit Gifts of Romans 12
8 Maids Milking = The Beatitudes of Matthew 5
9 Ladies Dancing = Fruit of the Spirit of Galatians 5
10 Lords Leaping = The Ten Commandments
11 Pipers Piping = The Faithful Apostles
12 Drummers Drumming = Twelve Points of the Apostles' Creed

Got the tune?

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