Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3:94, #588: Rhymers vs. Knucklers

Here we are at the end of November and I'm listening to "Road Kill Christmas" as I write...just to keep me in the right frame of mind, I guess....hmmm, if you frame your mind, is that how you picture things in your head? Anyway...

When you are trying to figure how many days are in a particular month, are you a Rhymer or a Knuckler? I'm betting most of you are Rhymers who say:

Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November,
All the rest have thirty-one, excepting February,
Which has 28...when Leap Year gives it 29.

Now, you few and far between Knucklers will simply put up your hand as in the illustration above, start counting at the index finger knuckle, and note that the months falling in the 'web' between the knuckle have 30 or 28 days (excepting Leap Year, of course) while those on top of the knuckles have 31. Note, too, how it works out that July hits at the little finger knuckle and August hits back at the index finger since they're the only months consecutively 31-counters!

My point? Hey, it's that 30th day of November!!
Got brain storm of your own?!!

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