Monday, October 27, 2008

#269: Minute Madness

OK, this morning on Facebook I questioned the time span and veracity of a "New York Minute."

Why is the straight piece on the clock called a minute HAND...unless, of course, it's a Mickey Mouse
watch with one glued on the end of the Minute STICK.

Why do we say, "Wait a minute!"? Have you ever actually waited for 60 seconds afterward?!

Why is "minute" pronounced "min-utt" when it has to do with time and "my-noot" when it has to do with size?

Did you ever actually dance a "minute waltz" for 60 seconds?

Have you ever actually cooked a "minute steak" in that time? Or eaten one in 60 seconds?

Did you EVER get the job done when you said, "Gimme a minute?"

Got a minute?

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