Friday, October 10, 2008

#263: Bob Wants To Know

1. Why does toilet paper have to be "facial quality?" (I choose NOT to offer the obvious suggestion!)

2. Why is the Nobel Peace Prize named after the guy who invented dynamite?

3. Should a Ghandi War Prize be awarded to the most aggressive person in world politics each year?

4. How did the f-bomb ever become a swear word? Or, for that matter, how did ANY word become a swear word?

5. Howcome we have anti-Semitism but not anti-Latinism, since it was the Romans who actually nailed Jesus to the Cross? (Could it be the Romans are no more, so we cut other Latins some slack?)

6. If Christians want Jesus to return, and the appearance of the anti-Christ is a prelimary event, shouldn't they be praying for the worst case scenarios leading to the One World Government?!!

7. Will the anti-Christ get the Peace, Peace, But There Is No Peace Prize?

8. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, did he eat them at a pot luck dinner? Did he share? Did they give him gas?

9. Why do European-descended folks who eat saurkraut have a problem with kimchee?

10. When Bugs Bunny was singing "La Cucaracha" in various cartoons, did you know he was singing about cockroaches? Wanna know the lyrics? Go to Wikipedia for an interesting take, or:
The cockroach, the cockroach
Can't walk anymore
Because it doesn't have, because it's lacking
Marijuana to smoke
11. Have ANY of you seen a cockroach smoke marijuana?!! ;p (Have any of you passed a joint TO a cockroach, mayhaps?)

12. When Jesus is drinking of the fruit of the vine at the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, will the Babdists be drinking grape juice?

13. Will there be Take Out there? Where would you go it there were? Would Al Fresco be outside, too?

Got questions of your own?

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