Monday, July 6, 2009

2:144, #448: Apologies and Some Thoughts

First: Apologies to Loudon Wainwright III...he wrote "Dead Skunk In The Middle of the Road" and performed it. I thought for sure Country Joe performed it...could be goes on...Oobla Dee, Oobla Da!!

Second: I figure the true 'read' on the "immigration invasion" of the U.S. is that Hispanics are just trying to take back land that Anglos stole from them in the 19th century that other Hispanics stole from First Peoples in the 17th/18th centuries. The whole shebang is part of God's plan to have pagans beat up on pagans, causing disruption among Canaanite-like people groups so that Christians can be introduced to "every nation, tribe, and tongue" who will be represented before the Throne of God as Revelation 5:9 says.

Third: All the Christians who have prayed for the "10/40 Window" to be opened to missions work can take credit for all the wars and political upheavals throughout that region of the world the Lord is causing in order to give them their hearts desires as they delight themselves in Him. (Psalm 37:4)

Fourth: The Grey Havens window repairs/repainting is calling me...I'm outta here!!

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