Friday, July 10, 2009

2:146, #450: Bob Wonders...

...if the device used to "torture and mutilate Elves, turning them into Orcs" as Saruman tells his Urukai was really a Mordor version of Windows or Facebook?

...if a politician like Sarah Palin "quits" and subsequently gets her name all over the press, if there was perhaps an ulterior motive in the announcement?

...if Facebook is a cunningly conceived plan to keep Christians away from folks who need to hear the gospel?

...if "middle age" is defined as 35-54 in an article describing the rise of Facebook Users, can we expect to live to be 108? At 57-7/12ths, I'm figuring I'm already Over the Big Hill with a GREAT view of Heaven as I gaze at it from the back porch of The Grey Havens!! And, if 70-80 is the average age granted to man, based on Scripture, does that make me 72-82% dead?

...if you bounce your reality check, do you get bailed out by the U.S. government through some amnesty program?
Just curious.

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