Friday, July 24, 2009

2:151, #455: Memorable Movie Lines

Picture Gandalf on the Bridge at Khazad-dum and the Balrog is inquiring about his Summer Hebrew grade...or perhaps his Apprentice Wizard grade: "YOU...SHALL NOT...PASS!!"... pretty much sums it up.

Then there's Gerard Butler's classic from "Reign of Fire," spoken in a thick Scottish brogue, "The only thing worrrse than a Dragon is an Amerrrican!!" (I loved Matt McConaughey's body tattoo!)

In King Kong, it may have been "Beauty that killed the Beast" as Richard Denham proclaims in the last line, but the bullets and the sudden stop at the end of the 1,250 foot drop might have contributed!!

One that always chokes me up, even after 34 times watching "Gettysburg" is the one word line Jeff Daniels utters as Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain at the Battle of Little Round Top: "BAYONETS!!!"

General Kemper's description and suggestion to General Pickett after Pickett makes an analogy of the South leaving the Union being like a gentleman having the right to leave a club might be my favorite line in "Gettysburg:" "You certainly have a way of trivializing the momentous and complicating the obvious...have you ever considered running for Congress?"

"Serenity" has a bunch of memorable lines, but my fave is when the Crew is about to battle the Reavers, Simon Tam is wounded and River Tam, after saying that he's been taking care of her, simply turns to run at the Reavers and says, "MY TURN!!"...and kicks the ever-loving daylights out of the bad guys!!

Guess it's about time to get to rather than "kill you with my brain" as River says she can do to Jayne Cobb in "Firefly," I'll simply say, as the dwarves did in "Snow White..."
Got mortar to tuck point the stone walls of Grey Havens?!!

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