Saturday, July 3, 2010

3:58, #552: Chipmunk Update

A couple of posts ago I talked about the Grey Havens Chipmunk Squad. Well, I decided to rename a few of them based on my observations as well as my Civil War Buff/Historian status.
Old Stonewall continues on in his Presbyterian path, but now he apparently has progeny I've named Sandy Pendleton after Tom Jackson's aide-de-camp who also was a Christian. Not only does the little fellow gallop across lawns and blacktop, but he even travels a goodly distance along Camp Cornelius's Church Road Wall...clearly descended from Stonewall.

The striped cavalier I named Cornelius has become George Armstrong Custer now that I've further observed his behavior patterns. He cuts across the Library lawn to enter the forage field of battle and invariably JEB Stuart takes time out of his feeding habit to engage in the not-quite-largest-cavalry-battle on the North American Continent. Actually, it's a re-enactment of the cavalry duel on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg; which happens to be July 3, 147 years ago!!

Rocky has been changed to Nathan Bedford Forrest because of the path he travels, the length of the distance he carries his forage, and finally his propensity to attack birds his size and bigger. He usually gets there 'first with the most' as his namesake did to win battle after battle.

Then we've got Ambrose Burnside who forages admirably, but when the warfare begins, beats a hasty retreat to his burrow only 10 or 12 feet away in the corner of the Library/Academic Center area.

Finally, Chippy, the original who got his picture taken, apparently birthed Bobby Lee who travels the same basic path as Pappy but does some incredible foraging so his cheeks are bloated when he heads home. He does take over the concrete area from all sorts of birds, so like his namesake, he always leaves 'in possession of the field of battle.'

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