Saturday, July 24, 2010

3:64, #558: Facewall

Yessirree, Bob, I want it known that I'm the originator of the above term, based on a You Tube deal I just saw on Facebook. The video points out that Social Media is THE thing for folks to participate in these days; especially the 50% of the world's population that is under 30!! Dang, that means I'm older than those 3 BILLION people as well as another huge chunk of the world's folks between 30 and 58!!

As the stats were rolling by on [] I thought back to 'the family' in Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451 which was people talking continuously but not really saying too awful much in the homes of the citizens that took up at least one whole wall of the living rooms of everybody in the land...well, 15 minutes later...I see I'm not as far off in my thinking as I might be. The Wikipedia article at [] actually cites that Bradbury himself indicated that it was his commentary on the effects of television and mass media on the reading of literature, not a commentary on state-authorized censorship.

In any event, way back in 1953 Bradbury predicted that books like those by Walt Whitman and William Faulkner, as well as the Bible were primary targets for the fires. Oh, by the way, 451 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper ignites, just so you know. It won't surprise me when America's soon to be #1 piece of Hate Speech Literature...that same Holy Bible...will go up in smoke, along with some of it's proponents who self-immolate like an old lady in the novel instead of consenting to be carted off to the already prepared for-domestic-terrorists concentration camps here in the USofA.
Got the history of Andersonville and Elmira Prison from the Civil War?

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