Friday, August 7, 2009

2:156, #460: Pharaoh and Miss Piggy

I'm currently reading through Exodus and something struck me the other day. When Pharaoh was given the option to call off the frogs plague, he said "tomorrow" instead of "RIGHT NOW!!!!" Was he a former incarnation of Miss Piggy in love with all his Little Kermies or what?!! Was he expecting some French cuisine with an order of frogs' legs...tastes like chicken, ya know?!! What exactly did he hope to accomplish by a 24-hour delay? This was one world politician who really didn't know what time of day it was!

This morning I also made a couple of lists: Plagues in Exodus/Plagues in Revelation. In Exodus the Lord hammered each of the Egyptian gods with water to blood, frogs, lice (gnats), flies, livestock disease, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and dead first born. In Revelation He skips the frogs, lice, and flies, but I'm guessing they'll show up with all the corpses laying on the ground and floating in the water when He turns 1/3 of the sea to blood, 1/3 of fresh water to wormwood, and kills off 1/3 of mankind. Then there'll be the fun of smoke/locusts, lightning/hail, loathsome sores, men scorched with great heat, darkness/pain, earthquake and 1,000lb hail.

Oh, did you know that "Chernobyl"...the name of the 1986 nuclear plant Russian for "Wormwood?!" Is that Miss Piggy flying over?

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