Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3:29, #523: St. Patty's Stuff

Here it is the 17th of March again, the end of four years at The Grey Havens, since tomorrow is Four Years To The Day (thank you, Frodo) that we moved into the place. Today when 'everybody's Irish' to quote 'Boondock Saints' and thousands of other sources, I've got Celtic tunes going on my CD player whilst I while away the time here in the basement of the Big House using up some of my vacation time.
St. Patrick is an interesting story in Christian history. My Bob's Digest Version is that he was a Roman Brit taken slave in a Celtic raid, escaped after six years, got saved, and got called to go back and preach the gospel to those who had enslaved him; which he apparently did for over 60 years... good job, Pat me lad!!

Patrick Ronayne Cleburne blessed mother and dad by coming into the world on this day in 1828. He grew up to be Major General (CSA) Cleburne, "The Stonewall Jackson of the West" because of his military skills, a devout Christian who helped foster the revivals in the Army of Tennessee, and who advocated freeing the slaves so they could help fight the evil Yankees, maintaining States of which was to continue the 'peculiar institution' of slavery.
Can ya figger that?

Oh, I think the snakes-out-o'-Ireland is not for the real crawlers, but symbolizes how he stomped Satan's head as per Psalm 91:13 with all the Celts he was used to convert in one of those smaller comparisons of Gen. 3 where Christ stomps THE Serpent's head after getting His heel bit.
Got exegesis?

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