Wednesday, March 31, 2010

3:33, #527: Wednesday Wandering Wonderings

As you can tell from the title of this post, my brain's on Rim Planet Mode with where I'm heading; which is not surprising after several days with a head cold, using the requisite drugs, and working a whole FIVE hours this morning after two 2-hour days preceding!! So, let us take off...

This one's from my Facebook Post today: I wonder howcome 'per' ('by means of') + 'severance' ('a breaking off') = 'perseverance' (not even pronounced similarly); which means 'steady persistence in a course of action' instead of something like 'by means of breaking off'...i.e. "I will per severance your arm and beat you with it?!!"

Whilst rambling across checking out meanings to concoct the above question, I found that 'today's word' on is "bedizen"..."to dress or adorn in gaudy manner." The article goes on to jabber about archaic words and Middle Dutch...Heck, why not just say it was the 18th century way of saying 'bling bling'...a 1997 rapper's way of saying 'bedizened?!' Or would that be too gaudy and decked out?

Speaking of 'decked out'...decks as in 'made of wood' are always outside, so why double up on the phrase to tell people you're bedizened in a bling bling fashion?!! Anybody out there got duct tape to wrap around my head so it doesn't explode...of course, I'd want some that was bedizened with color, not just plain old gray!! ;p
Got that out of my system?

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