Monday, April 13, 2009

2:101, #405: Wolf Furniture

Yesterday we went over to Hanover, Pa. to go to church and visit with The Cook's family. I spotted an interesting sign in York as we cruised on down the road, "Wolf Furniture." Needless to say, my first question was, What type of furniture do wolves use? Do they use sectional stuff for when The Pack shows up unannounced? Is it funny fur type from the 70s or would that be too much like killing those you love to get to sit on them? Does the Alpha male get to sit in the recliner?

Then I wondered just how many wolves there are in York County that there would be a store to cater to their domestication needs. The moral of this story is, Ladies, you may domesticate a wolf, but he'll always be a with it.

AOOO, Werewolves of London!

Now, if two old saints go to The First Church of the Walking Dead and wolf down communion by tincture, just exactly how efficacious is it?!! When a couple of old rams hear a wolf in sheep's clothing, should they just stand up and say, "Baaaa, Humbug?"
Just thought I'd ask.

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