Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2:188, #492: December First Firsts

Three anniversaries came to my attention for today's date, all with fair significance in my onward journey shuffling around on this mortal coil.
Back in 1969...40 years to the day, as Frodo would say...the USofA instituted the draft for the first time since WWII..."The Big One" as Willis Gillis used to say on the Dobie Gillis Show. Just for the record, my Philadelphia draft board number was 362 and I was 1-H college deferred; which is probably a good thing, given my inherently bad sense of direction. I'd probably still be wandering around Southeast Asia if I'd gotten separated from my squad! ;p
Back in 1982 I started reading through the Bible once a year using the Navigators' 'Daily Walk' booklet that takes you through about 9 chapters a day. I did that until I bragged about reading through the Bible once a year when being interviewed to be a ruling elder; which made me think, what good is it if you read it once a year and nothing sinks in?!! So now it takes about 18-22 months to get through at my own pace with comprehension and notes. However, 1Chronicles 1-9 is a blast-through skip over for lack of interest...my seminary prof and friend, Ray Dillard, used to call it 'Scriptural Sominex'...'nuff said.
Lastly, this date in 2006 instituted the first candle light dinner at the Grey Havens just as the meal was set on the table due to some storm activity the Lord provided! My first adopted Chinese American granddaughter joined us simply because she was inquiring weather the power was off all over campus...a bit of a blonde moment for her. This was the start of dinners at The Havens that have continued to include quite an interesting group these last three years. Gee, a storm got John Newton's and Martin Luther's attention and here it was one that started us down the particular path we're treading!
Got perogis and gravy?

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