Tuesday, December 22, 2009

2:194, #498: Redneck Stuff [3:4]

Jeff Foxworthy has made a career dealing with 'Redneck' stuff. I work outside 12 months a year, so I have a redneck literally under my flannel shirt collar and especially my Rush Limbaugh no neck tee shirt. My contention is that Jesus Himself was at least a theological Redneck (if He really had that long hair the sun would not have gotten to His neck) in that he made black and white, line drawn on the rock on which you should build your house kinda statements like, John 14:6, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."
In any event, I've been smoking, plowing, and country western/rock and rolling since Saturday, so I've been thinking, too.
If Grandma got run over by a reindeer, would her followers have stolen the body in order to propagate the myth that she's really alright? Would her blue wig attain a status similar to the Shroud of Turin?
Any of you think Jesus was not only a carpenter but also a plumber? Well, here's my proof: Psalm 139 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. John 1 says Jesus was involved in making everything. Didja ever notice how the blood stream and excretory systems are basically plumbing lines? I rest my case!!
For all you Reformed Theological wizards: If the Abominable Snowman had a verifiable conversion experience that conformed to the Westminster Standards, and given the already-not-yet Kingdom teaching of said Reformers, would he be The Already Not Yeti?!!
Got flannel shirt, cigars, country western music, and joy in the Lord?

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