Sunday, December 13, 2009

2:191, #495: Two Years To The Day [3:1]

Ah, yes, it was on this very day back in '07 that I began this blog. Four hundred ninety-five postings in 731 days...leap year added one, remember?!! So what's cookin'?
Well I've got boiled lamb on one Facebook burner where a sister has been obsessing about the 'evil Popish observance of Christ-mass' during this particular season...would that be 'seasoned boiled ewe?' Scripture doesn't mandate celebrating Jesus coming to earth and we do it now only because Constantine set it in stone, so to speak, and it just gets her goat (is that possible with a sheep?) that churches all over the land don't see the truth of this matter...guess the Spirit will have to set us straight since apparently aint!!
I'm wondering why we don't have mustard greens for Christmas dinner, giving the big deal green and red have during this 'silly season,' to quote a line from "Lethal Weapon."
Of course, I've got blocks of cheese sitting in the fridge to elevate my bad cholesterol count when I go see Doc Dracula for blood work in January. Of course, I'll simply pop a few more fish pills... hmmm, that might be a sobriquet for annoying keep my internal Feng Shui in balance to the Doc's satisfaction.
I wonder if dessert in heaven will be 'pie in the sky?'

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