Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2:190, #494: Zen and the Art of Seminary Maintenance

Yeah, I've finally gotten around to reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values. I'm currently 11 chapters of 32 done and realized that the story line of a motorcycle trip was simply a literary excuse to discuss philosophy and pander to the 60s left over self indulgent b.s. prevalent from the Garden of Eden to today. In other words, it's a book written by Robert M. Pirsig (whose name, interestingly to me, jumbles into Sir Pig) who appears to be someone who 'thinks himself wise yet has become a fool' of whom Paul speaks in Romans 1:18ff.
I'm frankly amazed that back in my college days it was not required reading in either my Philosophy 101 class or in my History of Political Thought class my senior year, given the bent of the two professors who taught me in those days.
The last comment I wrote...I'm an inveterate note writer into the margins of books...was that he seems to be 'catching a glimpse of total total depravity without God intruding into our being with Truth and Light' when he talks of Kant's 18th century ugliness and how it and 'technical' ugliness pervade everything in his university environment that has to do with the philosophy being taught.
Like, DUH!! He's catching up with Paul's analysis 19 centuries late!!
Ok, so how's this relate to seminary maintenance? Well...like...DUH...I just changed one word in the title in order to draw the comparison to the book. But when it comes to values, maintaining a seminary, regardless of how a philosopher would look at the way it should be done, comes down to this simple sentence in Colossians 3:23-24, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." Oh, and keep in mind the question of Zechariah 4:10, "For who has despised the day of small things?" The details of maintenance are crucial to the 'big picture' that ends up looking good if details are watched carefully to add up to a smoothly running campus.
Well, if you're wondering just what in the name of my great aunt Lizzie's hairbun I'm talking about, remember that this blog is Self Indulgent B.S. written by B.S. hisownself!! ;p
Got convoluted thinking?

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