Monday, February 4, 2008

#58: Psudoku Psycho-logy

OK, I was sittin' around yesterday thinking about why I and others enjoy doing Sudoku number puzzles. For that matter, why do we do ANY kind of puzzles, word games, and crosswords? Think I've got the answer other than we're all screwy.
Let's call what we do "a little slice of being like God" that began with The Fall in Genesis 3:6. The serpent presented the puzzle of good and evil to Adam and Eve in such terms that they just had to solve it by looking at the back of the book answer code, so to speak, contrary to God's orders, so we're just following in their footsteps. verse 7 they realized they were naked, but in their case the phrase could not have been "naked as the day they were born" so I guess "naked as the day they were made" would fit.
Hmmm...was there a "made in Eden" tag hanging from them somewhere? Did Mrs. Rib chide Adam about his nakedness and, hence, the phrase "ribbing someone?" Did Man REALLY say, "Whoa, Man," when he saw Eve in her birthday suit for the first time, and hence, the gender's name? Oh, and could his and hers actually be called "Birthday Suits", since we've already determined they were made, not born?
Got more logic?

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