Friday, February 8, 2008

#61: Trumpet Blast At Last

I've often said that there's going to be a trumpet blast and a loud shout at the End Of All Things (no, Frodo did NOT come up with that phrase first!) just so Christians finally show up on time for an event in world history. Well, I saw some books on eschatolgy in an American Vision catalog several days ago. One entry was Is Jesus Coming Soon?
NOPE. Here's why:
1. Every people group on earth has NOT gotten representatives to stand before the Throne as Revelation 5:9 says. (Check out Operation World on this one.)
2. The world isn't as bad as it needs to get yet (hard as that may be to believe). (Vote for the worst possible candidate in November and speed up the downward slide!)
3. The sun aint black, the moon aint red, and the stars are still in the heavens. (Revelation 6:12)
Here's my Three Day Theory:
Premise #1: Jesus was in the grave three days.
Premise #2: To God, a day is as a thousand years.
Conclusion: Jesus left around 33AD, He'll come back in 3,000 years from that day.
Got objections I can't ignore?

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