Friday, May 22, 2009

2:124, #428: Where There's A Will...

...There's A Way. OK, this age old adage was quoted in "Chicken Run" last night at the Grey Havens second show. As usual, my brain was running, not like a chicken with its head cut off, but in some of the elliptically shaped circles outside the box...

Since Rocky and Ginger fall for each other, is this the Ultimate Chick Flick?

Could the adage be altered? For instance, Where there's a will...
...there's probably a lawyer.
...there's a terrible two year old.
...there's a stubborn 50-something.

And, for you spiritually oriented types...
Where there's a will, there's two Testaments, and definitely a Way, Truth, and Life.
Have a good Memorial Day Weekend. Hmmmm...can a day be a weekend?

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