Friday, January 11, 2008

#36: Baseball Cards for Christ

OK, here's my explanation for the Lamb's Book of Life. It's similar to the baseball card checklists I used to use when collecting cards back in the 50's and 60's, not an open-ended blank book that gets a name in it every time someone 'chooses Jesus'; which we DON'T do, according to John 15:16.
Think about it, if He inscribes a name in The Book only when someone gets saved, then He's sittin' around on His Throne drummin' His fingers hoping somebody will wise up and follow The Way, The Truth, and the Life.
In my version, He's sittin' there running the universe while saying like we did as kids, "Got 'im, got 'im, ain't got 'im yet!" and checkin' off the list as He goes.
Got predestination?
PS: Oh, and NO I don't have those great old cards, nor did I sell them to make a pile of cash. I actually told Mom to throw them out in 1975 when she moved. How dumb can I be? Give me a number to shoot for, I strive for excellence in everything!

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