Well, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Moderater of saveourseminary.com chucked me into the black hole of cyberspace at the end of the day, just as I had mentioned in Post #49 yesterday. Guess I'm too new at this website posting game and didn't play by the rules, so I got thrown into the forever penalty box for unnecessary roughness. (Complete segway..."Necessary Roughness" is a fun movie of misfits winning the big game and, yes, it's also a chick flick!!) Well, when I played lacrosse in college, I spent quite a few minutes "in the box" for unnecessary roughness, so to quote Iago of "Aladdin"... WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?!!
Hmmm...now I've been kicked outta two different venues for what I have to say. Nanny (my maternal grandmother) used to say, "What happens twice, happens a third time," so who knows where's next? Guess I'll jump off that bridge when I get there.
Got light unto my feet?
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