Folks,I have questions for all of you. Since Ephesians 6:12 says our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places (i.e. WTS!), why are you so surprised that 21st century Pharisees and Sadducees in the Army of Christ can’t agree to disagree in order to kiss and make up? WTS is advanced infantry training in the Army of Christ in the middle of Enemy territory and we’re using live ammo!
Why should men who know a whole LOT of theological stuff NOT be arrogant? I believe the phrase in I Corinthians 8 is “knowledge makes arrogant,” in the NASB. Perhaps, “humble them as gently as possible, Lord” would be an appropriate request?!
Why do you students/alumni not see that by venerating the Faculty of whatever era you’re helping the arrogance quotient of the ones shuffling about on this mortal coil battlefield? And… you’re PAYING them to get more knowledge through sabbaticals, writing, and that ever popular etcetera!
Why are you surprised when power plays produce results you don’t like when folks have nearly absolute power? Lord Acton hit it on the head when he said, “Power corrupts, absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely!” (Yeah, you’ve misquoted him all these years without the ‘tends’ part!)
Why do you weep and wail and gnash your teeth about the ugliness you see in a PARA-church school when it’s just as rife in CHURCHES where you at least have the recourse of Biblical fix-em ups based on church discipline?
Why do you guys who have non-denominational churches that have no external source of accountability cringe at a seminary’s (non-denominational as it was set up by Machen and The Boys) dirty laundry flapping in the breeze?Maybe you teaching elders out there should consider personally mentoring men to ‘equip them for the work of service’ instead of shirking your duty and foisting it on a para-church school. Remember, Jesus said He would build His Church, not non-denominational seminaries, so technically we don’t even have a right to ask His help, since we’re not using His methods.
Do you really want me to be mowing grass and heating the buildings for the Buddhists who will buy up our property if we fold? Well, it would give me a local field of evangelism, anyway.
Peace, love, and His grace to you all!
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