Thursday, February 5, 2009

2:49, #353: Spring Semester Starts

I've often said...both hands up, waving fingers, Archangel!!...that I find it ironic that Spring Semester starts in February here at Camp Cornelius. Well, today it's starting under a blanket of snow and 11 degrees Fahrenheit...He who gives snow to one city and withholds it from another must be debunking the myth of Global Warming for us Middle Atlantic Staters. Oh, Global Warming is, in fact, on its way...around here in Pennsyltucky we call it April!! ;p

I've had a Spring-like contemplation these last several winter days about birds. The little guys in the bushes by the Kitchen...look through the front bush to the snow piles off the ground by the wall...wrens and sparrows, I believe...are hearty as all get out. I come strolling in to work usually before the sun is properly up and there's just a choir of birds praising away in their own little way. For some reason, they shut up when I get near even though I never make any threatening movements in their direction...must have Bad Bird Karma, I guess! ;p

My contemplation has involved sparrows, traditionally cared for in Matthew 6:26-34 and eagles, traditionally symbolic of Christian strength in the Jesus Junk Section of Christian Bookstores from Isaiah 40:31. Maybe we should start giving better press to the sparrows who hang around in the winter climate and get cared for by their Heavenly Father under all the difficult circumstances of bird life and start making posters with the little guys on the snow to symbolize how periods of our lives go. Just a thought.
Got daffodils poking up through the snow?

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