Sunday, February 8, 2009

2:52, #356: Theories In the Gray Zone

I was curious after thinking about the Saintly Sweeties why hair turns gray, so I Googled it and once again decide I need duct tape to keep my head from exploding, as Glenn Beck would say. One of the articles says that the theories that a person's hair can turn white over night because of a shock or that the stress of life caused by having children causes gray hair "has been discounted." Ya wanna bet these same folks believe in the theory of evolution that has no definitive evidence to purport it?!

Back in Post #296, "The Wurst of Times," I mentioned my Heidelberg Grandma, Mrs. Finger. Well, she was living proof...if you're willing to accept the evidence, that is, in your presuppositional world life view...that hair can turn white overnight. Mom told me back in the day (don't know exactly which one) that Mrs. F. had learned her son was in the Battle of the Bulge and turned white overnight as a result of the shock.

One article talks about lack of B vitamins, smoking, anemia, and thyroid problems causing gray hair...sounds to me like symptoms of parenting brats that are the direct result of 6,000 years of in-breeding on the part of the human race! All the articles agree that the cause seems to be a gradual death, one follicle at a time generally speaking, of the stuff that creates your hair color. might say it's the Lord's early warning system that, to quote a line from "Fight Club," "on a long enough time line, the chances of survival are zero."

What I can't figure out is why the dying process can't be more esthetically my Fu Manchu turning ALL white instead of here and there. Oh, well, guess I'll just stop this self indulgence and go on to some other part of the day that the Lord has made.
Got gray?

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