Thursday, February 26, 2009

2:65, #369: Virgin Olive Oil

Lunch just a little bit ago included some delicious Cook-made chicken salad, lettuce, and cornbread with butter...yeah, I could hear my arteries clogging even as I ate...and some more Bible reading. This time around it included Matthew 25 with the parable of the Ten Virgins, 5 wise and 5 not so much.

When I read that "at midnight there was a shout" that triggered the discussion between the have-oils and the don't-have-oils (all of whom were different from Popeye's Olive Oyl)...just exactly where did the don't-haves go shopping after midnight? Was there a place called Achmed's All Night Oil Emporium? Did Bertoulli's have any part of the Middle East market at the time, since the language indicates many who sold oil? And, if not, did some poor lamp oil salesman get rousted from a good night's sleep, assuming he went to bed at dark and did not use up his supply of product to stay up until midnight?!! It's not surprising that the no-oils didn't get back in time for the marriage gig!!

Gee, I wonder... if they had rubbed their lamps like Aladdin, would they have gotten a genie who could then have supplied them with lamp oil? But, would he then become homeless when his lamp was full of oil? Or would he have gone on a "Magic Carpet Ride" with Steppenwolf? Guess we'll just never know.

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