Wednesday, April 2, 2008

#105: Cheese In My Computer

It's time for me to vent a bit. I have spent the last half of one hour, one-forty-eighth of a day, trying to get my expletives-deleted computer to actually operate correctly. My BIG mistake was to hit "download" for the Adobe Reader Update instead of "cancel." Apparently, it must have imported a delightful Brie or maybe some Camembert into the box of evil parts in front of me to slow down the works a bit. (I'm also betting one of my prayer partners is praying for patience for me, a sure-fire way to provide the trial that causes me to use the patience I've already got as part of the fruit of the Spirit detailed in Galatians 5:22-23.)
I, of course, had to hit "restart" and wait for THAT, then opening Microsoft Word (you know... created by the Gates of Hell Group) took several minutes, I highlighted one part of a sentence to make it bold, counted to 25 slowly and STILL did not get the thing for which I waited!! :(
Sooo...I went to Disc Cleanup and melted a bunch of the cheese that had apparently accumulated, cleaned out my Recycle Bin, and prayed through 15 entries in one of the prayer calendars I get while awaiting results. Another "restart" seems to have gotten the Evil Eyeball working for the time being; at least until the gremlims inside decide they want to dance around and irritate me again! WHINE with CHEESE?!!

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